Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Experimenting with Photoshop and cropping

Here is an InDesign page I have created with photos I have cropped in Photoshop and placed into InDesign in various shapes, I think this will help to make my work more realistic.

To create this I took some photos of the college and put the memory card into the Mac and saved them onto my account, I then uploaded one onto Photoshop and cropped it to how I liked it and then saved it, I then went onto InDesign and created a square to upload the photo onto and then did so, I then had to fit the photo to the square so nothing was missing, I repeated this method, each time changing the shape of the photo, like a rectangle or circle, I then exported the file in InDesign so it was saved as a JPEG so I could upload it onto my blog, learning this skill will help me a lot in creating itneresting and more realitic work.

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