Tuesday, 18 October 2011

IPC Media Research

Today I researched into one of the 9 biggest publishing houses called IPC Media, I recorded my information into word and then copy and pasted that onto InDesign.

I made this research page a double page and then made 4 columns and put my text into the columns to look professional, I then created a title and changed the font and colour and surrounding colour of the title and put a colour on the background of the title so the title stands out. I then found an image of a magazine front cover on the internet and placed a circle on my page and placed the image in the circle and filled the frame proportionally.

What types of magazine and target audiences has IPC been associated with over the years? Some of the magazines that IPC has been associated with are Country life, What's on TV, Rugby World, Nuts and NME. Being associated with these magazines shows that the target audiences are both men and women, typical men would read magazines like Nuts and Rugby World and typical women would read magazines like What's on TV and Country Life, where as NME is for both men and women.

Why might IPC be an appropriate publisher for a new music magazine? IPC would be appropriate for publishing a new magazine because there target audience is both men and women so they can include all types of music to attract the target audience. They publish magazines from Sports magazine to Fashion and home design to gossip therefore attracting a wide audience so IPC is the best for publishing new material.

What sorts of genres of music/types of magazines might they be likely to publish? The type of music magazine IPC would be most likely to publish could vary between rock and RnB. This is because NME is leaning towards rock and men and attracting a specific audience, whereas gossip magazines like Now and Look magazines are leaning towards RnB lovers and women and targeting that specific audience as they are gossip magazines and they have information on celebrities such as Rihanna and Beyonce therefore IPC can publish various genres of music magazines.

Why might alternative publishers like Bauer be appropriate?  Bauer would be appropriate for publishing new music magazines because Bauer is well known for the wide variety of radio channels and young modern magazines therefore targeting at a younger audience. They show different types of media that are aimed at the younger generation therefore Bauer will be able to attract the younger audience and get the new material known quickly. They can publish many new material and with the younger generation being how they are the magazines will become popular quick.

This is my IPC media research:

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