Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Preliminary Task- Proposal and Flat plan

Here is my proposal for my College magazine:

Who are you aiming your magazine at specifically? (there needs to be a clear sense that you are targeting a specific audience). I am aiming my magazine at college students as the magazine is going to be a college magazine, it will be for people at Southdowns College and not any other college so I can advertise offers and news within the college and keep it specific. My target audience will be both men and women, basically for every  student at Southdowns College.

What will your magazine be about? (what might the typical content be?). My magazine will be a general college magazine and the typical content in my magazine will be information that people in the college need to know, and extras. There will be information about trips; this is because college students would love to hear about good trips, clubs; this is because when students have spare time they would might like to join a club and plus they look good on applications for Universities,travel; this is because lots of students have trouble with travel including myself, so people would like to know that things can be improved or are improving, a column on how to improve the magazine and the college; this is because it will make the students feel involved and important and then I would know how to make the magazine the best it could be  and help to improve the college, news about courses, staffs emails and information on when there are days off; this is because this news is pretty much essential in a college magazine and it would definitely make students want to read it as the news is important, directions on how to get around the college; this is because for people who are new to the college they would find it difficult  to find there way round so this would really help,college sports news; this is so everyone can keep updated and support their college, quizzes and puzzles; this is because it will give students something to do when they are on a break and bored, and finally music reviews; this is because more people can relate to the magazine if it has bands and artists they like included within the magazine and more people will want to read it.

What are your ideas for cover lines? An idea for a cover line is advertising a new trip like “Media trip to Hollywood!”, I decided to come up with this idea as if it was me; being a college student, seeing that cover line I would definitely want to find out more information, most students would want to go on a good trip so having it as a cover line will attract a lot of readers. I was also thinking of advertising when there was a day off maybe saying “Inset day Friday!”, I decided to come up with this idea as it is information every college student needs to know and information they would want to know so they would be more likely to pick up the magazine.

What title have you decided on and why? (you could also include examples of titles you have rejected and explain why). The title I have decided on for my magazine is “LifeinCollege”, I chose this name because you know what the magazine is going to be about, it's not too long that you don't have the effort to read it, and the fact there is no gaps between the words give the name an edge and makes it look more interesting than just “Life in College”. I did have some other ideas, “Cnews!”, “College Life” and “The College Mag”, I decided to not go with any of these ideas as I felt they were a bit plain and didn't suit the contents in my magazine as much as my chosen name.

What fonts do you want to use? (you could include examples and if you have got as far as thinking of ideas for the design of the masthead you could include these too). I want to use the fonts from the mac computers so I don't know any of the names, but I want to use a big and bold and professional font for the masthead and I want to use a soft font which is sophisticated with a bit of edge for the text to make the text more inviting to read. I want to use Serif fonts and sans serif fonts as I prefer to use them and it gives me more variety.
What are your ideas for taglines? (if you want to use one)?. I have one idea for a tagline, “College life made easier” I think this is quite a good tagline as it makes students feel reassured and  will make them want to read the magazine. I think taglines are good to add a last minute message to make the target audience want to read the magazine which is why I decided to use one. I had another idea for a tagline “Everything you need to know about College life”, I felt this was too long so that is why I chose the tagline “College life made easier”.

When in the year will it be published? (cover can reflect season changed or events, consider the academic year). My magazine will be published in September to welcome the new academic year, I think this is the best time to publish a college magazine especially for the new students just starting at college, they will need a guide to help them and that is why I have chosen to publish it as soon as they start college.
What kind of image do you expect to put on the front cover and how will you go about getting the image?. I am going to put an image of a college boy reading a book, I am going to take the image myself using my digital camera, I am going to use a plain background so the image is not confusing, and I have decided to use a boy as I am able to to take a picture of a boy easier than a girl, and I personally feel boys are going to want to read it more if there is a boy on the front cover as would girls, but if it was the other way round I don't think it would have the same effect.
How frequently would it be published? My magazine would be published every week so the latest information is always at hand, and so students would trust the magazine as it is frequently published.
What are the dimensions of the cover (magazines are now available in different size formats)? My magazine would be in A5 so that it can fit in students bags, and if it is a slow news week, it will still look busy as the magazine isn't that big in size. Students are more likely to pick up something that they can put in their bag and read when they're on a break instead of something that is a burden to carry.
What images/colour would you use on the contents page? I would use colours that go with the college and college logo, so in my case it is green, blue and white, this is so students will know it is a Southdowns College magazine. I would use images that suit the layout of the magazine and suit the text, for example, “Today is Comic Relief”, so I would use red colours and images to do with Comic Relief.                                      

Here is my flat plan:

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