This was an idea for a contents page background, I thought it was a bit weird and people agreed with me so I decided to not go with this idea. To make this I cropped around a photo of the girl in Photoshop and then copy and pasted her into InDesign, I didn't want to get this outcome and it was an accident but when I saw the page it stood out to me so I asked people and they all agreed it is weird so I am not going to use it but now I know I want something a lot more mature.
This was another idea for my contents page, to get the background colour I used the injector to get the colour of the ring and painted over a photo using Photoshop and used a filter to get this effect. For the photo in the top right corner I used the injector to get the colour of her top and painted around the girl and then inserted it into in design, I then used an outer glow, satin and shadow. For the font I used is called 'Xenophone' and I used a red swatch on the outside. I like this contents page but I feel it could be improved as at the moment it doesn't look like a contents page from a music magazine and looks to girly which is not what I want and would not go with my double page spread at all.