Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Contents page- Ideas

This was an idea for a contents page background, I thought it was a bit weird and people agreed with me so I decided to not go with this idea. To make this I cropped around a photo of the girl in Photoshop and then copy and pasted her into InDesign, I didn't want to get this outcome and it was an accident but when I saw the page it stood out to me so I asked people and they all agreed it is weird so I am not going to use it but now I know I want something a lot more mature.

This was another idea for my contents page, to get the background colour I used the injector to get the colour of the ring and painted over a photo using Photoshop and used a filter to get this effect. For the photo in the top right corner I used the injector to get the colour of her top and painted around the girl and then inserted it into in design, I then used an outer glow, satin and shadow. For the font I used is called 'Xenophone' and I used a red swatch on the outside. I like this contents page but I feel it could be improved as at the moment it doesn't look like a contents page from a music magazine and looks to girly which is not what I want and would not go with my double page spread at all.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Double Page Spread final edit

This is my double page spread after I changed the font, I added a text box over the columns and made it grey, I then changed the opacity so it was really faint but still visible so the writing will be visible over it. I then changed the font colour to black, I think the colour of the font on the text box look really effective and goes with the photo and creates a nice and effective style to the page.

Here I made some more changes, I changed the blue outline of the text above the main text to a higher opacity as I didn't like the other blue I had. I added 3 photos on the left page to make the page seem more interesting and to show a happier side to the artists personality as people might percieve the facial expression on the main photo as sad or dull, but I think he looks like he is concentrating on playing the base. 

I added the magazines name at the end of the main text so people know the name and I replaced 'Continues on next page'. I added page numbers on the top left and top right corner in the same font as the magazine name.

Here is some fonts that I experimented with to use for the name of the magazine 'TheBase' I chose this name because the photo is of the artist playing the base.


I chose the 4th font because I felt it was quite modern and not too flashy as music magazines are not very fancy, I think it goes well with the style of music my magazine is which is alternative rock.

After making a few adjustments like making the writing in the text box not to the edge, making the photos on the left page bigger, and making the page numbers smaller, this is my final double page spread. I am pleased with the result and I think choosing the boy double page spread was the right thing to do, putting the photos on the left page made it look less serious which is what I wanted. Using a black and white photo meant there is not much colour on this page but I have read many double page spreads over the years that are completley black and white so I am not worried about that. I can now focus on my contents page.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012


I carried out a survey of 3 girls and 3 boys to ask which double page spread they liked the best, this was my result:

Paige Muir- Boy double page spread

Alfie Gould- Girl double page spread with a black background

Emily White- Boy double page spread

Isaac Jones- Boy double page spread

Ashleigh Kimber- Girl double page spread with a white background

Larry Marshal- Girl double page spread with a white background

Most people thought that the boy version was the best one so I am going to use that as my double page spread, I might change the font colour of the text as I feel it can be better and make more adjustments to make it as professional as possible. Choosing between a boy and girl double page spread proved difficult as they both give out different representations and messages, the boy one looks more serious and shows a musician wheras the girl one shows a happy carefree teenager so I was torn, doing this survery helped my desicion and I am pleased with the outcome either way.

Double Page Spread Girl Version

Here is the original for my double page spread girl version.

Here is my girl version of my double page spread, I decided to use a photo with a black background, I used the same fonts as the boy version but changed the colours to pink so they're more steretypicaly girly and I think the contrast looks nice with the black background. I am going to try the double page spread with a white background to see what looks best as black might suggest the wrong type of music genre.

Here is my original for my double page spread girl version with a white background.

Here is my double page spread with a white background, I decided to change the picture as I felt this picture worked better with the white background as it was a bit more light hearted. I like the girl version in low key lighting and a black background and I also like the boy version so I am going to ask people which one they think I should use.

Double Page Spread Boy Version

Here is the original photo for my double page spread

Here is my double page spread boy version, I decided to change the font as I felt the font I used before wasn't strong enough, I changed the text colour so it is more visible but I might have to change it again as it might be hard to read once printed out. I added a photo I have taken on the left page and decided to make the photo go across both pages, doing this made it hard to read the text so I had to copy the picture and crop it so it was the right side of the photo and change the opacity so it was fainter and easier to read the text.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Text for my double page spread

This is my text for my double page spread, it is about an artist called John Gould and I interviewed him on his 3rd album release.

Here is a version for a female artist called Rosie Gould with an interview about her 3rd album being released, I decided to do a boy and girl version as I am not sure whether to take photos of a boy or girl, and I was hoping this would help make my decision. I think I am going to test out both and see which looks better, I am going to experiment with different fonts and decide on a more suitable and professional lay out.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Double page spread draft

Today I made a draft for a double page spread for a magazine, to do this I clicked on layout and added an extra page, then I placed an image on the left hand side that went across the whole page, then I added a fairly big title for the article on the right hand side at the top, then I added an introduction before the main text, for the title and this text I changed the colour of both to dark blue and light blue to match the boy in the pictures shirt. I then added random text into 3 columns I inserted. I changed the font of my title and introduction to make the text more interesting.

I then inserted another photo onto the right page and placed it over the main text, I then clicked on window and text wrap so the writing went around the image.

I then clicked on paragraph and made the main text more neater, doing this I can know focus on creating my final double page spread now I know the basics.

Here is a preview during the process of making my draft.