Here is the development to my contents page, I decided to use a completely different design as I was not happy with my other one. I took a photo of a base guitar and then edited it on Photoshop by adding a filter, I then placed it on my contents page as the background. I then changed the font of the word 'Contents' as I felt the other font was a bit ammetuer. I then put the text on the page; adding an interesting font and changed the colour to black with a white swatch. I then placed images I have already taken and put them on my page and rotated them to suit how I wanted which links with my double page spread as I did the same thing. I then placed an image of my double page spread in the bottom right hand corner and put 'John Gould Interview' next to it to show that it is a highlight of the magazine and links the two.
Here I have decided to use a different filter on the background as I think this one looks more modern and bold and better suited to the genre of my magazine. I added page numbers to the photos and added a date in the top left hand corner. I also added information on subscribing to the magazine on the top right hand corner.
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